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Books Ms. Damico has read during the 15-16 school year.

McKenna Berney and her best friend, Courtney, had it all figured out: They would defer their college acceptances for a year and dedicate the next six months of their lives to a once-in-a-lifetime exploration of the Appalachian Trail, just as her father and his best friend had once explored the Pacific Northwest Trail. But when Courtney bails at the last minute in order to nurse her failing relationship with her faithless, on-again, off-again boyfriend, it seems as though McKenna’s long-held dream will remain just that. Unwilling to sacrifice months of meticulous planning and preparation, McKenna decides to forge ahead, deceiving her parents and striking out on the trail alone. What begins as a solo expedition quickly transforms into something else entirely, however, as McKenna spends increasing amounts of time with the mysterious and enigmatic Sam, a boy who seems to have made the trail his home. As the two continue to grow closer, Sam and McKenna will test the boundaries of their relationship and their abilities as one fateful decision forces McKenna to confront the one potentially-fatal possibility she never planned for.


Steve has always been a worrier, but since his brother was born he’s become even more anxious. When Steve starts having dreams about otherworldly wasps, he takes comfort in their message that everything will be okay. But the more he learns about their plan to “fix” the baby’s congenital condition, the more he’s conflicted. The tension and unease grow as Steve begins to wonder if the wasps are real or imagined.


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Jason Schmidt wasn't surprised when he came home one day during his junior year of high school and found his father, Mark, crawling around in a giant pool of blood. Things like that had been happening a lot since Mark had been diagnosed with HIV, three years earlier.

Jason's life with Mark was full of secrets—about drugs, crime, and sex. If the straights—people with normal lives—ever found out any of those secrets, the police would come. Jason's home would be torn apart. So the rule, since Jason had been in preschool, was never to tell the straights anything.


A List of Things That Didn't Kill Me is a funny, disturbing memoir full of brutal insights and unexpected wit that explores the question: How do you find your moral center in a world that doesn't seem to have one?

Devon Tennyson wouldn't change a thing. She's happy watching Friday night games from the bleachers, silently crushing on best friend Cas, and blissfully ignoring the future after high school. But the universe has other plans. It delivers Devon's cousin Foster, an unrepentant social outlier with a surprising talent for football, and the obnoxiously superior and maddeningly attractive star running back, Ezra, right where she doesn't want them: first into her P.E. class and then into every other aspect of her life.



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